Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A few new shots

There was a coffee and donut get together at the club
 house this morning. Then a meeting of things that will be going
on this month. Meetings always last to long for me. I hadn't had
breakfast and I was not about to eat a donut. Donuts don't
like me. Besides I have been doing really well and got into
another pair of pants this morning that I couldn't wear before.

After the meeting I stopped to see some crafts people have been
working on. Really nice things.

Then it was off to Safeway as I forgot a gift card for a
graduation gift and more cards. I drove to the post office to mail
them and remembered I took the stamps out of my wallet this
very morning. :(P so I came back home and took a walk with
Fred. Then came home and remembered I needed to check with
some neighbors about a hand truck for the craft show. I really
spent a long time gabbing with them. By time I came home it
was time to walk again.

The day was over and I really hadn't done much. OH well I'm
on vacation right.

I did manage to take some pictures of the garden and some flowers.

Doe's anybody know what these are? The green leaves have always come up but there never has been these I believe are flower. I think a few years ago I took pictures of something like this. I will keep watching to see what they look like when all those little buds open.

There are little peppers coming out.

This is the eggplant I thought was going to die. I put some food sticks in the dirt and it is doing quite well.

These Sweet Williams came back from last year. There are red ones on the other side of the orange plant.

I thought these had finished and now they are blooming again.
They give off such a light but pretty sent.

Tomorrow I will get my change for the  Craft Show so I will be
already to go at 6:30am Sat.


  1. Love your little micro-garden!

  2. Some people thrive on meetings. I too am one who finds most of them tedious to say the least. Back in Mission they had a Wednesday and Saturday meeting every week, with careful planning I made none of them.

  3. Good morning tinycamper,
    Thank You, it was just a trial run. Needed to start earlier but some people live here all year round so I have told them to please pick what ever is good after I leave.
    Happy you stopped by this morning.

    Hello John,

    When I worked it was meeting after meeting and I just am worn out by them. Sounds like you are a good planner. If they are going to post events around the Park why do you have to have a meeting to announce them? I think I am turning into a crabby old person.

    Thanks for stopping by today.

  4. Good Luck with your craft show. I don't like meeting and I also try to avoid the donuts.

  5. Hello Teri,
    Thanks for the good wishes. I really need to get rid of some of this stuff. :)
    My daughter is getting married in a year and half and I don't want to be the fat mother of the bride.
