Sunday, December 15, 2013

Walked a Million Miles

Well maybe not but it sure started to feel that way. I picked up my daughter Tracy about 9 am. It was a nice day so being outdoors was great. Didn't buy anything which was even better. There was some beautiful art I can tell you but the prices were sky high. After a while things all start to look alike.
We decided to call it quits about 2 block short of the end. We headed back and I decided we needed to eat lunch. We stopped at a nice place on the Avenue. It was a great rest and we knew we could now make it all the way back to the truck.

I dropped Tracy off and headed for home.

I realized I needed to do some laundry so I did 2 loads and kept working on the scarf. Those curly scarves take forever.
Hope to finish it by tonight or early tomorrow.

Good Night All


  1. Be sure and post pics of the scarf. Should I learn to do this? I'm Looking for a new craft!

  2. I think walking around shopping or looking is way harder than walking around a track for exercise. but I guess anything that gets a person on their feet and moving is good.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So Tracy didn't mind riding in the truck.

  5. Hi Klb,

    I am almost finished with this one. They are easy but take a very long time and use lots of yarn. But they are pretty. I'll take a picture of it and post tonight. I have been crocheting for years. I can't knit to save my life to many sticks. :) You might really enjoy crocheting the winter is a good time to learn during the cold days and nights.

    Hi Gypsy,

    Yes it is and when there are so many people around trying to see what you want to see makes it very hard. But it was a nice day and my Daughter and I had a nice day together that was the important part.

    Good morning John,

    Nope not one bit. :)

    Hi Jim my Friend,

    It sure was. .
