Saturday, March 22, 2014

Had a Special Visitor Today

My friend and neighbor lost her mother yesterday also a neighbor. So this morning I went to the grocery store and picked up fixings for backed ziti, garlic bread and a salad. 

Just as I  was getting ready to bring it over my grandson called to see if I was home so he could come stop by so I could see my Smiley. You now I wouldn't miss that.  I still had another pan in the oven so we had lunch together. 

I sure like this pudding Nona

Look I can fix this knob for you - spin, spin oops! Daddy fix it.
Oh how I love this baby.  Can't believe how fast time has gone.

Now for a rest I'm tired not used to doing so much cooking.

Good Night All


  1. Good neighbor, you are. Also a good grandma!

  2. Hi Phyllis,

    Thank you. I just remember how stressful it is to care for a sick loved one. And who couldn't love their great grandson :)

  3. You are a kind and thoughtful person, Jo. And who couldn't love that little guy--so cute.

  4. Hi Nancy,

    It just felt right. Oh and my little Smiley getting so big and so smart.

  5. He is so precious, Jo. I'd change all my plans for him, too!

  6. Hi Sharon,
    My grandson said he was getting fresh, I said he's 2! He want to know everything and gets into everything. LOL
