Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year All!!

Wishing all my readers a safe Happy New Year!!

I will be hunkered down here at home where it is warm and cozy. It has turned quite cold and rainy with lots of snow on the mountains. Hopefully I will get some beautiful pictures. But we never complain about to much rain ever and the snow is so very welcome on the mountains.

Lets ring out another year and hope for a much better one in 2020. Get vaccinated and lets stop this horrible virus that is now attacking our children. 

Once again please don't drink and drive and for heavens sake don't be shooting guns up in the air they do come down with a lot of force.

Peace To All!! 


  1. Happy 2022 Jo. Hope this new year is filled with lots of good times and happiness. We need a break.

  2. Hi Sandie,
    Yes Happy 2022 to You and Jim. Yes we need a break!

  3. Hi Jo, Hope that snow helps with the drought...and you have a safe and peaceful New Yr's....I also will be hunkered down, just me and the dogs. Take Care.

  4. Happy New Year, Jo! 😊🎉 I'm staying "home" as usual. I'll probably fall asleep at 11:59PM and wake up next year 😅

  5. I am a little sad as this challenging year ends with the passing of Betty White, a person I adored, I had so hoped she would see her 100th birthday.

    May you and all your readers have a healthy and happy New Year and that we can finally beat this terrible pandemic.

  6. Hi Sondra,

    We have also had lots of rain and the snow on the mountains surely will help. You have a safe and cozy Happy New year!

    Hi Connie,

    Happy New Year Connie, LOL yes fall asleep by 11:59 and wake up next Year. Lets hope for a much better one.

    Hi MsBelinda,

    I had not heard of Betty Whites passing and did watch the news but I was putting things away so may have missed it, She was an amazing Lady for sure.
    Hope you have a Happy New Year!
