Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Another day of nasty humidity. It is way to early for this.

So I finished vacuuming the house  and tomorrow I will get all the dusting done. Maybe since we had that rain and now humidity the dust will stay down for awhile. Cleaned my bathroom too

Took my daughter Debbie out for her birthday . We had a great time. Then came back here and discovered the shed key was missing from it's spot. I have no idea what could have happened to it. So I guess I'll have to go have another one made tomorrow. Debbie comes and checks on my house while I'm away and needs a key to get in so she can spray the weeds.

Sent her home with lots of pillows for her living room and a comforter for one of the twin beds. I have a big bag to take to donation center and as long as I have to go get a key I will take this bag since it is next door to ACE. 

Good Night All


  1. I had extra house keys made for each of my 3 kids in Sacramento, so they can check on my house while I'm away.

  2. Oh the humidity..... having it here in NJ too.

  3. Coming in big time tomorrow, here in central tx

  4. Hi Gypsy,

    My daughter and grandson have keys but never made extra for the shed. Now I will today.

    Hi Phyllis,

    It seems better here today so I will get more done outside.

    Hi Trouble,

    It nasty stuff.

  5. Extra keys have a way of disappearing...its getting hotter here too!
