Monday, July 27, 2015

Trip Has Ended

It's time to head down the Mountain in the morning. I hate to go but all good things must come to an end.

The truck is loaded. Of course there are always last minute things, like the freezer stuff and fridge and when I am done here pack up the  laptop and get it in the truck along with the camera. Food will go in in the morning.

It has been a great trip and I can't thank my friend Lucy enough for the use of her place for a little over a month.

Adios my Mountain!

Good Night All


  1. aww you seem so sad to go...why is it that all good things must come to an end...SO nice of your friend to share with you...I hope you have an easy ride home.

  2. I think it would be so nice to live in the mountains

  3. Hi Sondra,

    I made it home in one piece. I love it there and I wish I had the funds to buy a home there. But unless I win the lottery it won't happen. And it really will never happen if I don't buy a ticket. It was great of her to let me stay there. If it hadn't been for Lucy I would have been home around June 17th.

    Hi Gypsy,

    Yes it would be great

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  5. How Wonderful! So glad you were able to spend the time where it is cooler. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a lot to drag an RV for the summer?

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