Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Well after going through lots of headaches to change my header this is what it is. Google seems to be having a problem again. Even face book isn't working properly. I have no idea why it didn't fit the picture to the right size but I guess later on tonight I will try again. My patience have run their course.

I was just getting ready to load  up the truck yesterday to take off when the wind kicked into super high gear with 20 mph winds and gust of 25 - 30 mph. And today is the same and looks like the rest of the week. Next week looks much better. Going to keep my fingers crossed. 

Not much to do around the house so maybe I will cook up the veggies that need cooking before they go bad. But running out of room in the freezer. I was looking at freezers and I just might have to buy one this is ridicules and with the holidays coming it is always a challenge to fit everything. Turkeys never fit.

So I will check them out at Home Depot Sunday after breakfast if the wind isn't so bad. It sure makes breathing difficult.

After checking around the house I don't understand how I can say I have nothing to do. Need to go over recipes and add or delete what I will not use. And set up my new journal, that should take me a bit of time there. Guess I better get a move on.

Have A Great Day All


  1. Dang that wind! It's hard camping in the wind, can't cook cause it blows the flame out....I recall having my cold dinner blown right off my plate! The salad greens went ZIP, the tomato sandwich I made flew off onto the ground, and the chips became frisbees!
    A freezer is a big investment!

  2. Hi Sondra,

    Hate to tell you you have made me laugh over your lost meal. I guess I would have to sit in the camper and do all that except of the cooking part. But at least I could make coffee on my little coffee maker that plugs in to my battery.
    I checked out one of those small chest one Sunday but want to be able to ask questions. The one I looked at was $129. Maybe a scratched or dented one would be cheaper it's going in the shed

  3. Google or maybe it is me but I too seem to be having a lot of problems. Wish I lived in a bigger city like San Antonio so I could take some AARP computer classes as I am so in the shadows :(

  4. Hi MsBelinda,

    Today everything is running terrible but I know it is for the most part Century Link it is the worst but it is cheap. AARP classes might be nice but I don't know of any in my area at this time. Does your local library have classes?

    1. The local library does have classes but they are mostly for people that have never used a computer. They teach them how to set-up an e-mail account and how to navigate around the web.

      AARP has classes on how make the best use of your smart phone and more middle to advanced classes on computer topics, not that I am middle to advanced end of the road by any stretch of the

    2. I hope you can find and AARP class near you. I think I'm OK where I am at in my use but there is always room for improvement. Maybe I will call AARP and see if some classes are available for me.
