Monday, February 26, 2018

Just When

Things just don't always go smoothly. I had ordered something from Amazon and it just drove me crazy. None of their help apps work and you can't find a phone number anywhere.  Every time an up date showed up in my e-mail the price seemed to climb. finally in that last e-mail there was a way to contact them by phone. I don't order much anymore so I wasn't aware of the change in the order buttons. And there was also another order in the shopping cart, plus they had signed me up for Prime as a trial no thank you. So what they do is call you back after you leave your number and problem. I got a really nice guy on the phone and he explained everything and removed the Prime and the extra button that says 1 stop order or some such thing that cost more money to use. He removed that for me. And lead me through the removal of the second order which was what I already ordered but only wanted 1. Glad that is over and fixed. I know have the number saved in my phone and my order should be here tomorrow but still more than I wanted to spend. When you use that so called easy button you pay for fast delivery and I sure didn't want that. OH well now I know.

For my birthday my daughter had asked me what I wanted and I couldn't think of anything and then it hit me a camera strap. It took for ever to show up but I am so happy with this strap.

I love this strap it is so soft and opens quite wide, it can be worn around your neck or as a cross over the shoulder.

And just when the weather started to warm up a bit the weather tonight said another cold front is moving in late Wed. with high winds, rain and snow up on the mountains. My poor flowers spend more time being covered. A huge wind came through yesterday and the porch is now filthy again but I have so many errands to run I don't have time to sit out there anyway and it is to cold.
Friday I was supposed to get a mamo and chest x-ray well they called to say the machine was down for the mamo and rescheduled it for this morning. I went down and the machine still isn't working. Why wasn't I called to cancel this app. ? They wanted to set me up again and I said no you call me when you are sure this machine works.

Good Night All


  1. Hasn't been your time. Been going thru a similar frustration with sickness - both Jim and I had colds that went into croup for me and aggravated his COPD and now he has some serious congested heart failure problems. Getting to this point has been a stress. Lets both hope after today life goes a little smoother and not quite as stressful.

  2. Sorry I lost your E-mail address Jo.
    Here is the Amazon Customer Care phone number. 1-888-280-4331. Looks like I'll be using it again today myself.
    The weather has not been user friendly this winter.
    Medical Labs still have to learn to communicate with their patients.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Hi Emily,

    So sorry to hear about the sickness going on at your place. My friend was in the hospital recently because of a cold that turned much worse and then found out she had COPD too. Take care wishing you n Jim much better health .

    Hi Rick n Kathy,

    Thanks for the phone number.
    This weather has been crazy and the wind just came up with a vengeance and the temps are going to drop again. Hope it levels out soon I really want to get out and take some pictures.
    I'm glad that I didn't let her give me another appt. for today I don't think the machine is working still since they didn't call me to set up a new appt.

  4. Getting doctor appointments set up is such a nightmare. We start six months ahead and still have problems. But I have good luck with Amazon. Had to return an item and it all went smoothly. So I'm happy with them. Rain tonight but next week is looking better. I hope.

    1. Hi Sandie,
      I know I asked for one appointment to get a complete check up that still hasn't happened and I have been to the office 3 times. I have never had a problem with Amazon until this order which should have shown up today and it didn't. When I returned my old Kindle it was a breeze don't know what happened this time. It has been so windy today I didn't want to step out the door but had no choice with Fred. I think we are to get rain tonight but it's so hard to understand the new weather girl. LOL

  5. I LOVE Amazon Prime. With 14 grandkids and 3 great-grandkids and they all get Birthday and Christmas gifts....Prime saves me a bundle on shipping. Also... with Prime I get one free book for Kindle a month. Love it. Sorry you had the aggravation. Sometimes I think life was so much simpler before Internet, etc. But then I would have to go out and shop for all those gifts plus trot to the Post Office.

    1. Hi Phyllis,
      I also have 14 grandkids and 7 great-grandkids. But only one doesn't live here in town. Since all the grandkids are older they love getting gift cards to eat out and then I just shope simple for the little ones and send a gift card to my granddaughter in CO. for the baby. She loves the gift cards so she can buy him what he needs or if he sees a toy she can't afford.

  6. It pays to really look that order cart over before you hit the The button, glad you got help and got it straight! Everything is complex any more. I don't shop enough to do Prime.

    1. Hi Sondra,
      Yes that added button was the culprit. I don't shop Amazon that much anymore so Prime would be a waste for me also and I don't like having to pay for the privilege to use their card. I can get the same items on line with Walmart and have it shipped to the store for free

    2. I didn't realize that is the strap...I thought you had forgotten to put a photo of the strap up,,,,very interesting, it's made of fabric, and it's wide that is probably how it keeps from cutting into your neck...WOW. Super cool!
