Thursday, August 9, 2018

Light In The Cave

The temperatures have been in the low 90's and it is wonderful. Yes the humidity is high but I can deal with that.

This morning all the blinds were opened and it was wonderful to be able to see outside and let what limited light due to clouds come in. 

We haven't had any rain yet today but maybe later tonight according to the weather report. 

Tomorrow  I am going to vacuum the porch and so mornings can be spent out there drinking coffee. It may not last to long but I will enjoy it for the time I get before it gets to warm.

Good Night All


  1. Enjoy the cooler weather while it's there, actually cooling down a lot here to only in the mid 70's.

  2. Enjoy the change of weather and hopefully it will hang around for a while.
    Beautiful Header picture but you may need to change it as you can't read your title.
    Be Safe!

    It's about time.

  3. We had a nice overcast day yesterday and it was so nice to sit outside and enjoy. I managed to get some more painting done on my patio furniture instead of waiting until early evening. Hope today is the same.

  4. Boy, Jo, we know you’ve live in hot weather when you say you’re delighted whennit’s 90 degrees! LOL
    HOPING RAIN FOR YOU, and you can laugh at us when it gets cold out.

  5. Hi George,

    I am loving this cooler weather. I even have window and door open this morning.

    Hi Rick and Kathy,

    I am loving this cooler weather and I think it will pretty much stay this way may have a few more days pop up in triple digits but for now this is wonderful. Glad you like my header I wish I could fix the name being hidden.

    Hi Emily,

    It is so nice to be able to sit out again. I need to paint my bistro set too and recover the seats. enjoy the nice mornings.

    Hi Nancy,

    Yes it has been terrible hot this summer with lots of record breaking heat. Gee do they find that special when they announce that? I don't think many of us find it special at all. :) We had a nice mild rain during the night.

  6. Glad you got a reprieve from all the heat. I hope it cools off enough soon to be able to sit out on the porch with my coffee...when it's so humid the chair cushions feel like damp sponges! NO fun!

  7. Hi Sondra,

    It is really nice to have these lower temps. this morning it was very humid and pretty much stayed that way with heavy clouds. Just as the sun started to shine it poured down rain. So didn't do much today. I don't think I would like sitting on those cushions either.
