Friday, August 12, 2011

No Pictures today

Today was a little busy. Had to go to Walmart around 7am to get ink for the printer and halter for Fred. Ran home and printed some pictures of the new baby to send to my grandson. The took a few walks with Fred.
Today was my neighbors 23rd Anniversary so a group of us went out to dinner and then to the club house for a some drinks or coffee.
The weather started out really nice and then it warmed up way to much for my liking. When I returned from dinner it was really hot in here and I had to start opening things up and running all the fans and the swamp cooler. It is 9:30 and still 70 degrees, but it has cooled down in here It should go down to 63 tonight and possible thunder storms I don't care I love storms as long as it stays cool.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend


  1. I love storms when there's no damage. We're getting cooler temps at night also. It makes for good sleeping weather.

  2. Good morning Granny, It is a beautiful morning. Fred and I went for out first walk and it was really nice. Going to take my coffee out to the porch.
    Have a wonderful day.

  3. I loved the monsoons when I lived in Tucson. While I can't stand the rain when I'm in Seattle, I do love a monsoon in Tucson.

  4. Hi Jeana, I think thats because in Tucson it rains so little and there is so much more sun shine. :D.
    Hope your sale is going well.
