Monday, May 27, 2013

New Porta Potty

Today it dawned really cold and grey. But it warmed up nicely.
Lucy stopped by and we had coffee and breakfast. She brought the potty she made for me.

I then put together a green bean salad for the pot luck put in the fridge so it could meld all
the flavors together.

Not much else went on today until 4:30 when I walked over to the party with all the things
I made. We had a great time and there was great food. And lots of laughs.

These Contrails where taken last night at sunset.

Just have to make a lid for it

Hope every one had a great weekend

Good Night All


  1. That sure is a classy potty, a throne fit for a queen.

  2. That will be very convenient for the middle of the night. :)

  3. Good morning John,
    It sure is haha

    Hello Judy,

    Yes and sturdy too. Shouldn't even slide around while back there.

  4. Have tent and pottie, will travel! :)

  5. Great looking potty! Lucy ought to sell these at trade shows and such!

    Very nice photos ... the colors!
