Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Not Much

It again was windy and chilly this morning. But warmed up. The wind didn't stop.

Made a call to the car dealer first thing this morning. This went on all day and they finally picked up the truck at 3:30. Tomorrow I will request a loner as I have not left this park for 4 days. I need to run some errands.

I read most of the day trying to stay out of the wind.

So aside from a few walks with Fred I didn't do anything.

Good Night All


  1. I remember the same thing, after the sale service sure is hard to get.

  2. Good morning John,

    I thought you has lots of patients with them. I will try to be nice. But I'm not as good as you are.

  3. I missed it, so why does it need service? And gl with it.

  4. Jo, I sure hope they will fix the transmission problem. They had to know about it when they sold it. GRRRRR!!!!!

  5. Yes then he tried to get smart about it. Didn't get to far with me.

  6. I don't like transmission problems and I don't care for mean winds. worked with a little bitty woman in the 70s in downtown Dallas where wind whipped around the buildings... she had to have one of us regular women type folk walk with her as well as carry a pet rock in her purse...

    I'm not kidding

  7. Hello Carolyn,
    That's funny poor little lady.
