Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunny But Humid

Didn't do much today at all. Lots of people leaving the Mountain so being off the road sounded really good to me. Sat out in the screen room for a while and read. But then I was tired and bored. Came in had a salad for a late lunch.

Closed up the trailer and turned on the A/C as it was quite warm in here.

The blind on the front window had been broken at the window crank a while back.  I had fixed it but it never seemed right after that. So I took it down and found that I had missed stringing the new slates. :O. So I took it apart and re threaded it again. When I hung it up it still didn't look right. Now I am not a patient person. But it was hanging crooked and I couldn't stand that. Not to mention it looked really sloppy. I took it apart again and found the problem. I figured this would be the last chance with it. I was ready to throw it out and just buy a new one. Buying a new one will not be necessary now. It is fixed and hanging very nice and neat.

Fred wanted out and it started to thunder so I figured we better get out there and walk before it started to rain again. We made it home just in time. It has been thundering on and off for a few hours now.

Tomorrow I have to get out for a while or go stir crazy. I like the rain but I don't like being in the house all the time.

I believe this is  Lesser Goldfinch, such a tiny little guy. His mate was there too but didn't see her right away and off they went before I could snap her.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Good Night All


  1. Glad you got the blind straightened out, just the thought of it was driving me crazy.

  2. Isn't it funny how things like blinds can drive us nuts? I still have to fix the mini blinds in my kitchen as I broke a string on it too with the window latch. Nice shot of the bird!

  3. Wishing you blue skies so you can cure that cabin fever! :)

    Loved the picture of the little goldfinch. I wish I were better at bird ID.

  4. I had a great Saturday but had a reeeal dorky Sunday... I agree with the crooked blind... stuff like that drives me insane. sooooooo much to do here...

    night, Jo ... night Cyn ... night Joe... night Fred

  5. I put up with things like the blind a long time because I know how little patience I'll have if I can't fix it easily and right away.

  6. Good Morning John,

    Gee I wish you would have said something sooner. I would have gotten it done way before now. LOL

    Hi Cyn,

    Yes I hate when windows look messy and dirty. I have to replace the ones in the living room because the sun yellowed them do bad in such a short time.

    Hello tinycamper,

    It doesn't look promising for blue sky's anytime soon.

    I have a little folding booklet with the animals of the area. If it wasn't for that book I wouldn't know what they were either. But each area has some different birds or other wildlife.

    Hello Gypsy,

    I think I have a little more patience then I did when I was younger but not much more.

  7. Hi Carolyn,

    Guess I will have to venture over to you blog and see what you did yesterday. Hope today will be a moving right along day for you.
