Tuesday, April 1, 2014

OK Its April First Wind Go Away!

Didn't some one send a Memo?  The wind was blowing early this morning and it blew hard all day. My eyes are so itchy and red. If I could have taken them out and thrown them against the wall I would have. Even Fred's eyes are irritated and I had to put some drops in his eyes.

I had the desk top up and running for quite some time today so I removed lots of pictures onto a thumb drive. If it's windy again tomorrow I will stay in and see if I can't finish pulling them off. I printed out a few today to hang in my house.

I'm going to move some things around again so I can have better access to the cork board in the computer room to hang my pictures. I have plenty of matting and frames so I can spread them around.

I finally made it back to the Dr.s office today for a follow up lab. Then went to Walmart to return the privacy tent. I'll order the easy up one. I guess trying to save a lousy 5. just wasn't worth it.

Had a short Board Meeting today and then stayed indoors.

Hoping for a  better day tomorrow so I can go hunting the stores for amusement.

Good Night All


  1. Jo,

    I don't know what your forecast says but ours is for more wind and 40% chance of rain. I take Zyrtec to I don't suffer all the allergy stuff...no weird side effects and my eyes are fine. If you were close I would give you one to try. Just one a day. Easy stuff....Walmart, walgreens, cvs all sell it over the counter.

    I think I have been in every store in Cottonwood today (not many of them really) and I am one tired lady but I got the assigned tasks completed so that is good.

  2. March may have come in like a lion, but it sure didn't go out like a lamb. Remind me that when the summer gets hot i'll be complaining about the heat and wishing for a cold rain!

  3. Sounds like you sure kept busy on a day you say you didn't do much.

  4. Hello JMD,

    No sign of rain, but the nice calm morning is going away pretty fast. Wind chimes are going to town.

    Its nice to get all you errands done isn't it. tomorrow will be my day to run. First thing on my list is a hair cut. If the wind is going to keep blowing no point washing the truck. Then do some shopping. Might pick up some Zyrtec give it a try.

    Hi Gypsy,

    Yep and it's still blowing. But my thoughts exactly will whine about the heat once that hits.

  5. Good morning John,

    I guess I was pretty busy. Can't just hang out in the house drives me nuts.
