Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gee What Did I Do Today?

Oh yea nothing.

I did go over to my friends house for coffee and a gab session. 

Just to humid to do much else.

Good Night All


  1. I ate ice cream inside with the a/c going. :-D

  2. Nice thing about doing nothing is you can finish up tomorrow if you need to.

    1. Good morning John,

      Yes and I have all day to do it too.

  3. Ha! I love John's comment! :D

  4. Same agenda.....different day.....except praying for cooler weather for you!

    1. Hi Karen,

      I have sworn this is not going to happen next summer for sure. Thx for the prayers

  5. Amazingly...here the humidity went away for at least one more day! Got up this morning it was 64 degrees! That is rare for this of yr. It will heat back up tomorrow with rain on the way tho. May as well get yourself a YMCA Membership I'm thinking of doing that! So at least I can swim when its so hot.
    IF I can still swim...? Hadn't thought of that! I just keep saying ....it will be fall in no time at all....

    1. Hi Sondra,

      If the humidity would go away I can handle the heat well until it reaches the triple digits anyway. Yes keep saying it will be fall soon. We have a pool here but I don't think I have been in it for about 4 yrs now.

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Ryan,

      Yes but not when it is turning into an everyday thing.

  7. Jo, I must mention the swim suit issue. The last time I tried on swim suits I finally asked for a burqua. The clerk was not amused but then again, neither was I. :-(

  8. JMD,

    That is the issue I know what you mean.
