Saturday, July 12, 2014

Stayed Home

I said I was staying home today and I did.  

Stripped the bed and washed the sheets put the bed back together and did 2 more loads of laundry.

Did you ever read a book and hated to see it end?  That's how I felt with this one. So I ordered another book by this author. I hope his next book is just as good. The book title is Walden on Wheels: On the open road from Debt to Freedom, Ken Ilguas. 

Well I guess that is all I have for today.

Good Night All


  1. Oh I remember reading about him and his story. Quite a young man I would say.

    Awfully humid here today, ugh. Acted like a slug.

  2. I read blogs and sometimes I hope they will end.

  3. Hi JMD,

    I really liked his book and started reading the next one already. So far so good. Maybe it's all his Alaska trips and that's where this book starts too.

    Yes very humid here too but no rain for a couple days.

    Good morning John,

    Almost made my coffee come out my nose with that one.
