Monday, February 16, 2015

Celebration #2 Zoo

Tracy picked me up and had Smiley with her. Tracy gave me a pretty ring. We thought we were going to have lunch at Denny's but when we pulled in it wasn't open anymore so we scooted over to Subway and had the pastrami, not bad but we both had a nasty chunk of grissel in it. Then off to the Zoo we went. 

The weather was perfect today not hot at all just perfect. I managed to walk the entire zoo.

This fish was almost as big as Smiley

Anthony eater lol

 Anthony in an egg

 Of course as soon as we walked away he got up and joined his girls

 The frog shot water out of it's mouth he had more fun with that than anything else

Couldn't get over the size of this Grizzly. This used to be the home of the Polar Bear but it passed away last year.

Can you hear me Nana? His Nana was on the other end talking into another one

I wasn't sure if I caught the baby as I couldn't see that far so glad the camera could catch it

Was sure tired by time we got to the car to sit. Then Smiley gave us all a shower with his water gun as we drove home, felt really good and he thought it was the best fun ever.

Good Night All


  1. What a great day! You got some really good pics, we are going to try to go to the zoo next month after the hideously expensive house painting episode is over. :-D

  2. Love, love, love the animal photos. That little primate (whatever he is) is adorable. Giraffes are my alltime favorite animals. And I have never seen an anteater except on TV and in magazines. How cool!

    Especially the cool-down on the way home. :D

  3. Hi JMD,

    It was a really nice day had. so many more pictures I didn't post but will be great keep to go back to.

    Hi Sharon,

    Yes I was so happy with them. I should have gotten the names but just kept moving to the next thing. Lots of people out there and kids. The Giraffes are just beautiful there were about 5

  4. Hi Trouble,

    They are doing a fantastic job on this zoo. Building bigger and better places for the animals

  5. I like that ring! That ant eater has a fantastic tail! Looks like a great day to get out and enjoy the zoo!

  6. Hi Sondra,

    I bet that tail could do a great job dusting. And I like the ring too.
