Monday, August 13, 2018

Cleaned It Up

I have been thinking about how dirty the porch has gotten from all the winds and every time I went out there it annoyed me to the point I wouldn't even sit on any of the chairs. So yesterday I went out pretty early with Fred and said this is it. Grabbed the shop vac and started the clean up. I vacuumed the floor first and then started on the chairs. I needed the brush part so we went into the house and realized we hadn't had breakfast yet. Well Fred was letting me know about it anyway, by sitting in front of the door whining. So I fed him and made me some breakfast too and enjoyed that with my coffee. A little later went back out to finish the job. It sure felt good to have that done. It was starting to get a little to warm to sit out so back into the house. Yes the weather has been that nice.

Went out this morning and sat out for awhile with my coffee and  camera as the humming birds were very active.

 He was chattering  because Fred keep walking near by

It was so nice to be able to just sit out there and enjoy some cooler weather. 

I think the rains will return by Wed. and that's fine needed to dry out a bit.

Speaking of rain, NJ is getting hit really hard. My poor cousin moved into a new to them home just before Christmas and today they had to be evacuated but boat. They have water in the house and boy what a mess they will have to clean up so sad. But at least they are safe and staying with her mother. She said it happened so fast and they do not live in a flood zone. She had posted pictures of the water in the street and the yard and wondered if she would be able to make it to work as the news said so many roads had to be closed. With in an hour of her post the water had reached into the house.  Her daughter waited for them on higher ground  and drove them away. They couldn't even get their cars out.

Good Night All


  1. So nice that it has cooled down a bit and you can enjoy your porch for a nice change.

  2. Hi George,

    Yes it has been so much nicer, when the temps are only in the 90's after all the triple digits it is a relief

  3. Yes, rains in parts of the NE have been torrential. My daughter lives near Hershey in a building that was built in 1832. Once was a grist mill. Steam runs under the house. Every time it rains hard, basement floods. This time got 4 feet. Brick floor and water quickly recedes. Walls are 5 feet thick stone and build for this purpose.

    I love sitting on the porch watching the hummers too.

  4. Hi Jo. Parts of Pennsylvania are flooded, too. I wish I could get a burst of energy, as you do. Glad Fred reminds you to eat!

    Okay. I have had a humming bird feeder hanging all summer with the red frood as shown in your picture. Not one humming bird. What am I doing wrong?

    Always love hearing your always optimistic posts. Hugs to Fred.

  5. Hi Phyllis,

    I'm glad to hear your daughters home was built to withstand these floods. My cousin's house will take lots of repair and will most likely have to replace the furniture. She hasn't posted today but late last night she did post drone photos taken by the news it looks like it got much worse after they were evacuated.

    I love hummers they are fierce fighters when it come to their feeders.

    Hi Nancy,

    The red us not colored water it is part of the feeder. Red coloring is not good for hummers even the one they sell for food. I use depending on the size of the feeder 2 tbs. of sugar to a very little water and bring to a boil in the microwave about 30 seconds then stir well to make sure the sugar is dissolved I use filtered water and kept in the fridge, fill the rest of the feeder with this cold water. Don't leave them out in the sun to long if you have a shaded area it is best. Hope this works for you.

  6. Thanks Jo! I was feeding (or trying to feed) the store bought food. I’ll try what you do.

  7. Glad you are getting cooler temperatures.
    Sorry to hear about your cousin.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  8. OH no so sorry about your cousin's house! That would just do me in!! I know what you mean about the porch mine is always a mess due to the dogs tracking stuff in on their paws..with the rain it just sticks to them. Love your little Black Chinned HB!

  9. Hi Rick and Kathy,

    It is nice but at the end of this week they are calling for 100 degree days with high humidity again. But at least had a few nice days.
    I'm sure my cousin will appreciate your kind words.

    Hi Sondra,

    My cousin was able to go into the house today and start the clean up but they can not stay because it is so wet and I don't know about there bed.
    We get such high winds that come up for the road that comes right to my house and porch and yes what ever Fred drags up there or out of the house. Today was very humid and so no coffee on the porch. I picked up one of my grandsons to hang out with and I took him to a job service so he can get signed up and take some classes. Job hunting time and he is so frustrated. We had a nice brunch and talked over things, and gave him a chance to get some other things done on the laptop as all he has at this point is the phone.

  10. It will be a long process getting their home livable again I'm sure I follow a lady whose house was flooded last yr in Houston, they just finished the last room last month and they started preparing the week they were allowed back home they were able to get help from Fema.

  11. Hi Sondra,

    They may not even have flood ins. since it is not a flood plain. I don't have the heart to ask her. Yes it is going to be a big job to clean up. She posted an update from the county and Governor and they are blaming this on the new work done on the Garden State Parkway and a new development that is going in and no allowance for run off was made. It's figure pointing time. But they have not had a flood in 50 yrs there since the development of the area's first phase.

  12. Wish you could give me a little bit of your energy, I sure could use it.

    I am so sorry to hear about your cousin's house, have seen similiar stories in the news and my heart goes out to them.

  13. Hi MsBelinda,

    Believe me I don't have much energy I have to force myself to do things. I keep hoping once fall gets here if ever I will be more active and get out of the house more.

    I feel so bad for my cousin they did not have flood ins. since the area never has flooded before
