Sunday, March 3, 2019

Moving Along

The weather is warming up to fast for me. We are going to be in the 80's this coming week.

So it will be a great time to go camping at a higher elevation. My grandson came and put the bed in for me. He was going to do a few other things but it was his little ones birthday and she wanted to go to the zoo, they are doing a Chinese New Year theme there. They wanted me to go but I'm not up for all that walking and didn't want to hold them up. But the bed was the biggest thing and he also set  up the inverter that is done. I will just take it slow in loading up and hopefully leave on Wed. As long as I have a couple changes of clothes, hygiene stuff and a cooler I'm good to go. I have several bottles of water in the freezing When they defrost I can get ice at the lodge store or go down the hill to the store.  I'll plan on 2 days and see how it goes from there. 

No Internet up there so I won't bother dragging my laptop along but sure will take along my camera.

Good Night All


  1. Hi Jo! I just got caught up on your blog. What beautiful snow pictures! I'm not used to seeing that in the SW US. We've had snow for months here in Iowa (-5 right now and it's March!) Enjoy the 80s. It's great the grandson helped you get all set up and ready for the next outing. Have fun! -- VT

  2. Glad your Grandson was able to get things set up for you.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your Camping Trip.

    It's about time.

  3. So glad you can finally make that trip to the mountains.

    Kudos to your grandson for being so helpful but I am sure that had a lot to do with being the wonderful grandmother you are to all your grand kids.

    Enjoy yourself!

  4. Nice that you have your camper about ready to go, have fun and enjoy the mountains and cooler temperatures.

  5. Hi Brad,
    Glad you enjoyed the pictures, nothing compared to your side of the snowy world. Yes without his help it would have been a struggle. Stay warm.

    Hi Rick and Kathy,
    I was so happy when he called to tell me he was able to come over and help.

    Hi MsBelinda,
    Not only did I get the camper set but got to spend time with my great granddaughter and sing Happy Birthday to her and give her her gift. So it was a nice visit both ways.

    Hi George,
    Hope to get most of it done today but I'll do what I can as long as I have enough to get going

  6. Hi Jim,
    I'm sure looking forward to it. Got a lot packed in taking a break. Thank you my Friend

  7. Really looking forward to seeing you out camping in your great little truck and camper. I'll watch for the photos. Have fun and stay cool, Jo.

  8. SOOO happy for you to get away a change of scenery is always like a breath of fresh air! Enjoy yourself!
