Friday, June 28, 2019

Who Turned The Oven On?

Did a little shopping this week and some chores.

I had been having trouble with a couple of door knobs for a long time. One to my bedroom closet would not open and I was still working at the time and had to pry open the door and take off the striker plate so I could get to my clothes that morning to go to work. The other one was the computer room and once it closed well you really had to struggle to get it open again. I had had enough of that so I called the guy who does jobs around here and I bought two new assembles. Then Mark got bit by a dog and it got really infected so he was out of commission for about week which put him behind on other jobs. I think he them totally forgot about my little job. This door problem was really starting to bug me. My daughter found the screw and took the door knob off the computer room and discovered the new hardware would not work. So I sat here looking at that no door knob hole thing for way to long. I examined the striker plate and new what needed to be done. The striker plate needed to be recessed into the door frame not over it. Went out and got my chisel and also saw that the striker plate for the closet was hanging over my work bench. With in half an hour I fixed both door knobs. The problem is they are cheap knobs put on by Cavco they don't work properly and then putting the striker plate over the wood instead of cutting it into the frame added to the problem. 

I think riding my bike has boosted my energy level and I find I can get lots more stuff done. 

I finally met my new Dr. this week and I think it might be a good fit. If all the labs are good I won't have to see her for another 6 months. 

The heat has kicked in to high gear. I knew it wasn't going to be a good day when I opened the door at 5:30 am to let the dog out and it was hot already and now the humidity will start rising as monsoons are on the way. Today it was 109. By 10:30 I had to close all the blinds and start the A/C I kept it as low as I could until it was time to ride the bike. After I cooled down and showered I lowered it a bit. So didn't do much else today. 

Good Night All


  1. Congratulations on fixing your door knobs yourself. I have two that I need to tackle but we only have one locksmith in town and just for him to come over it costs $45.00 so have been putting it off.

    Glad you are happy with your new doctor that is really important. Stay cool.

  2. Nice that you got the door knobs working much better, now to keep yourself cool with this upcoming heat wave..

  3. Way to go girl with fixing the doors. Summer is definitely here. We were at 109 yesterday too and again today. Stay inside and hydrated. My motto for this summer.

  4. Getting yourself fit by exercising has the added benefit of raising your energy level and it helps you to think more clearly. Congrats on repairing your two problem doors yourself.
    Be Safe, stay cool and Enjoy the changes you are making to yourself.

    It's about time.

  5. Hi MsBelinda,

    I saved myself $25. by fixing them myself and now I can return the new ones and have more saved on this project.

    Hi George,

    Feels good to get back to fixing some of my own problems around the house.

    Hi Sandie,

    Thanks it feels good to fix things. Yes we are in it now with this heat. Drinking lots of nice cold water and staying in doors is the way to survive this heat.

    Hi Rick and Kathy,

    Yes this exercising is helping in lots of ways. Unfortunately it doesn't chase the heat away. :)

  6. You did a great job with the door knobs! I find it easier to do it myself than wait for someone who may or may not come thru for me...You only have to please yourself here too and looks like it's here to stay. Have a good weekend!

  7. Hi Sondra,

    Yes I need to start getting back into fixing things myself again. tired of paying someone to do simple things that I really can do. You have a great weekend too. 110 today

  8. Congratulations on figuring the door knob problem. I used to be able to do things like that but now my brain fogs up even thinking about it! I turned the a/c on as it was becoming uncomfortable indoors. I sometimes just suffer through it for several hours, but don't feel well enough to suffer anything i don't have to!

  9. Hi Gypsy,

    I know I had stopped doing lots of things a couple years ago when I wasn't feeling well and then I just let things go and had to pay someone to come in. A little tip on the a/c the longer you wait to run it the harder it has to work to cool, so the bill will be higher plus adding stress to the system, my late husband had a heating and cooling business.
