Friday, March 6, 2020

Windy Day Trip

Today we stopped and had breakfast of bacon and eggs at one of our favorite places. Stopped at Dollar Tree for a birthday card and some batteries.

Then off on a adventure to look for wild flowers at Gates Pass. Did not find many flowers but found lots of WIND! The few flowers we found were almost impossible to photograph because of the wind. If it wasn't for the wind the day would have been perfect at 80F. Some times the gusts were so high you thought you may fall over.

The next 3 pictures were taken on the way up to Gates Pass.

This was about the only way I could get a good picture of a flower when they were tucked deep into other plants this being a prickly pair that has seen better days

There is an article below about this building  hope you can read it 
 A lucky shot when the wind died down
 Then back up it came
 A new look out 

 This was quite a ways down the side of the look out point the hole caught my eye

This it the back end of Old Tucson, look at all the cars and that is the far side of the parking lot it goes much further to the right

Kit Peak Observatory, one of the largest in the world. It is about 15 - 20 miles from where I took this picture but the with all the dust in the air from the wind and really zooming out it isn't the best picture

You sure don't want to cause one of these babies to leave the plant they will stick to you something terrible. We always carry a come or a hair pick to remove them

See the little baby arms starting to grow, there is the one in front and one on the right side

Good Night All


  1. It looks like you had a wonderful day exploring and taking some wonderful pictures.
    Thanks for the tip of carrying a Comb or Hair Pick as a First Aid Tool.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the beauty around you.

    It's about time.

  2. Glad you were able to get out in nature with your camera and share your pictures with us.

    I have always loved those long types of cactus, we do not have those in Texas.

    Such pretty flowers and look out point. After that trip bet if you had any kind of stress it was all gone after being surrounded by such beauty.

  3. The wind has been a factor here the past couple days also but it beats the rain for sure. The cacti look great in all your photos and the flowers that stop still very colorful. It's been such a weird spring here since it started back in February. Have a great week.

  4. Hi MsBelinda,
    Yes it was so nice to get out and take some pictures.
    I'm not sure but I believe the saguaro only grow in this section of AZ. The first stretch of the trip up the saguaro were so green and healthy looking and so many of them. But if they keep allowing building out there then they will all parish.

    Hi Sondra,

    The wind has been none stop and today the rains came in and will be rainy all week again. I so want to go to Madara Canyon many photos are showing up of the Elegant Trogon. If the prices for the cabins wasn't so outrageous I would rent one just to try to get at least one picture. Hope you have a good week also

  5. Hi Jo! Those pictures are so beautiful. I haven't been out that way for 15 years. The cacti and flowers really come alive in your photos. I love the saguaro. Oh, and the warm desert winds! :)

    Brad, the VanTrekker
