Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Lots of cooking  and prepping went into the two days. By early afternoon on Christmas I was about to shut down. I was so exhausted.

Christmas Eve brunch was fun. I had some of the cooking done already and when my grandson and his girl showed up she jumped right in the kitchen and started to help cook. Love that girl. Afterward almost everyone chipped in and cleaned up everything.

Left Paola, Eric n Christian and Paola's baby Mia which is my great granddaughter and Jenisis another one of Paola's daughters and my great granddaughter , holding Fred is my daughter and the mother of my grandsons Debbie, Selma the kitchen helper and Adam

Christmas morning was some what more complicated as I had to do all of it on my own as some one didn't follow directions as that person never does so my daughter couldn't get here to help. I thought I was doing OK I had the 2 pies made then put up the pot of sauce and took a break. I then mixed the meat for the meat balls and that was tough since I over bought on the meat and had to fins something big enough to mix it in and now trying to figure out how much of everything to mix in it. I just bit the bullet and started rolling the meat and cooking it. That's when I started to run out of steam as it was constant standing in front of the stove.Luckily had bought the over ready lasagna pasta but still had to mix the cheeses together and there was a lot of cheese too. I started putting it all together and finally was ready for the oven. Stinking pan was so heavy I'm lucky I didn't drop it. Of course I didn't put foils on the over rack so you know what a mess that made. My daughter finally showed up still with her grand kids in tow not a good thing. But anyway I took some Tylenol and dropped into my chair and let them take over. 
The day turned out great and we had a good time. My daughter made a wonderful ham and salad.
Grandson Anthony, dad to little Anthony great grandson and the baby in the red dress Arianna. And granddaughter Aliya 

Daughter Tracy trying to figure out something for Arianna
 Ah dad finally got all the twisties off the robot 

 Grand kids Jason, Redd and Alexis

And last but not least Fred grabbed the entire package and took off leaving me in hot pursuit to get it back

 I had to spray the oven twice to get off all the burned on cheese
Next year it's Pizza.

Good Night All


  1. You are obviously the matriarch to a lovely family.

  2. Hi MsBelinda,
    That I am and there are lots more to this family but some have moved away and some had other commitments.

  3. What a huge crowd, everyone looks very happy! I know they enjoyed the fruits of your labor! I made the suggestion to my family we meet someplace that is the same distance for all, a week before Christmas, and go to a nice restaurant and call that it! AND they all said, "good idea"! So I'm hopeful...we have no little ones in our family.

  4. Hi Sondra,

    Yes it is a huge crowd and that isn't even all of them. Hope you all enjoyed your Holiday

  5. Hi Jo I wanted to stop by and wish you a very Happy New Year! I am spending the night by my fireplace and the TV. It was a good year for us both no health problems, and no major disappointments...I wish you the very best 2018!!
    Peace and Love!

  6. Hi Sondra,

    Thank you and Happy New Year to You!!

  7. Well, in spite of your challenges, I'm glad you had such a nice Christmas with family, Jo. Wish I could have seen a bigger picture of Fred!

    Couldn't be on the computer without stopping to say hi to you. Think of you often and wish I had your energy!!
