Thursday, October 6, 2022

Cooler Temps!!

 While monsoon season is officially over we have been getting lots of rain this week with thunder and lightening. But nice lower temps in the 80's for daytime highs and 60's for night. Sleeping is fantastic and even added a light blanket. 

Using the cooler  it's nice not to run the A/C so far. The new bill was under $100. YIPPEE!!!

I stopped to fill my water jogs yesterday and buy some fresh veggies, when all was said and done I spent over $100.. But as I walked around to see about bargains there weren't any and I thought I better pic up some things to stock up before the prices went even higher! I have a feeling I will be eating lots of home made soups soon. And yes MsBelinda the shelves are looking a little empty, but mostly the store brands, and TP shelves weren't  very full and the prices really sky rocketed and paper plates too, guess I'll be washing dishes because I'm not spending that kind of money for paper plates. Gas has already gone up to $3.69. Which may make my camping trips very local.

Started getting some cleaning going on and took a few days just in my bedroom, Taking down the drapes was tough, putting them back up especially tough since they were kind of wet was a real challenge but I did it, since one one side the dresser is in front of one window and the bed is in front of the other. I remember when moving furniture wasn't a problem but well I'm old now! 

I now have 3 large bags for donations and a bag went out to the trash. I still have the top shelf in the closet to go but I will do that Tues when I put the other items out for the donation pick up.

It has been so nice in the mornings now that I use the over to make some extra meals for the freezer. I had missed cooking oven foods, like stuffed peppers, meat loaf and baked chicken.

Guess that's it for now.

Good Night All


  1. Always feels good to get organized washing curtains is a big job..have a good weekend.

  2. Hi Sondra,
    Yes it feels good to get rid of more stuff. And the curtains are supposed to be black out but they don't do much of that but they are heavy! You have a great weekend also.

  3. Hi Emily,
    For some reason your post won't come through here. But yes the water taste so good and the coffee is great!

  4. Glad you were able to make another grocery run and pick up more items before they go up in price. Do you watch Alaskan Prepper on YouTube or Appalachia's Homestead with Patara? They say there are not too many bargains at the stores these days. Right now, I am worried about deranged Putin and his nukes and that fat guy in North Korea (Kim Jong-Un) with his nuclear tests close to the coast of Japan.

    I wish I had your energy and willpower, as I can not seem to get my rear end in gear. There are so many projects I need to work on, like decluttering and the jungle I call a yard.

    I am also disappointed with the increase in gasoline prices thanks to OPEC cutting back on their daily production and making even more money off the rest of the world. Sadly, this will also make me cut back on the camping trips I had planned for this fall.

  5. I do not watch these preppers and especially not that guy from Alaska, I watched him a couple of times and well that was enough. I did find 4 cans of tuna for $2.98 to add to my little storage. Seems most veggies are holding their price if they start climbing I will stock up of frozen as I use lots of veggies.
    I don't have much energy but things just need to get done around here.

    I try to get out and run errand early so I don't have to use the truck A/C which sucks gas like crazy.

    1. The financial channels I watch on YouTube recommend them both, but sometimes when they start their government bashing, I move on to the next video. It makes me wonder if they did the same when the former guy was in office, but I do not have time or desire to watch their old videos.

      I have to buy most of my vegetables frozen, or they would go to waste, and I hate wasting food.

      Glad your temperatures went down, we are still in the mid to high 80's during the day and the high 60's or low 70's at night allowing me to open the bathroom window since it is up high, and only a child would fit through there.
