Friday, May 23, 2014

More Wind, Some Clouds

Was excited this morning when I went out at 6 am to see heavy clouds. Really felt like it was going to rain. Then nothing the sun came out and cleared away the clouds. And of course the winds came up nasty and strong again.

But at least today it was announced that the Family of one of the Fire Fighters that lost his life last summer will get benefits. They tried to say since he was only a part time his family wasn't entitled to receive benefits.  People were outraged over this. He left behind a wife and very small children.

They are still calling for some rain but not nearly enough to help and if it is accompanied by lightening and even stronger winds then let it not come.  Some 300 hundred people are set to evacuate.

My plan is to sit tight right here at home.

Good Night All


  1. Jo, the smoke is still thick and heavy here and not a sign or rain anywhere. Drat! Maybe tomorrow?

  2. I wish we would get some rain - would rather see it fall as snow in the Sierra though - we get the runoff when it melts.

  3. Good to see the firefighter get his due. I never did see how they justified not paying benefits.

  4. hi made it to lakeside and it is cold, it thundered and rained today and its 45 out now at 11: pm. not windy like Tucson. hope tomorrow is a better day

  5. Nice to hear about the firefighters getting their benefits.
    Stay at home and take care!

  6. So he only put his life on the line Part-Time? And yet he gave it ALL in the end! How crazy is it that they even tried to deny benefits to his family. Hope the rain comes!

  7. Hi JMD,

    I sure hope it rains like they say. It's cloudy but patchy. You must really be having a bad time breathing. I know even staying indoors has to be tough.

    Hi Gypsy,

    I sure hope so too!. Snow in the mountains would be better than rain right now.

    Good Morning John,

    Yes how could they think to get away with that.

    Hey Lucy,

    Happy to hear you made it OK and had rain and not so much wind.

    Yesterday was cool but the wind still was a pain. Should be cool again today and then the temps will go up again.
    Stay warm and enjoy.

    Hello Weekend,

    It was very good new to hear the family will be taken care of now.

    Hi Sondra,

    Exactly! His family are very young and this will help.

    Yes hoping for rain. As above my friend said they got some yesterday lets hope for more today.

  8. Hey Jo, Heard the white mountains are getting some good rain. Rained here yesterday for a good 3 hours steady. Glad to here the family got there dues.

  9. Hi Ryan,

    Glad to hear the rains are falling.

    Yes it is good news.

  10. Started to say I can't believe 'they' denied the firefighter's family benefits but then… someone needs a bonus … shit for brains congress

    Good decision to stay at your home… you got it all fixed up so cozy ;) ~ c'mon rain!

  11. exciting moments as the smoke, ash hung throughout verde valley, RAIN!!! About 10 to 15 minutes worth but hey, who is keeping track. Most welcome. Hope it helps.

    Asthma is mighty angry at the moment, even inside.

  12. Hi JMD,

    I heard they are getting rain up north in Lakeside and even in NM.
    I figured your Asthma was up and giving you trouble. Lest hope the rain keeps coming and knocks down some of the ash and smoke.
