Sunday, February 21, 2016

I'm Done

Yesterday's breakfast was nice. We hadn't been together for some time since Barb had foot surgery. It was good for her to get out of the house.

Cleaned out some drawers and closets and made a bag to go to donate.

Today I went with my daughter Tracy for our usual breakfast and some quick shopping.

I'm so done with all this eating out now. And need to step up my eating healthy again. Tomorrow I will pick up some things to go along with the PulsePledge. I realize how much better I felt following this plan. I had no cravings for anything more after dinner. 

Next Sunday my daughter and I will take a ride up to Madera Canyon and I want to check out the campground. If I find a nice spot I will pay for it and go home and get a few things to go back and stay for a couple days. I need some time away.

Good Night All


  1. I sometimes think I'm just to0 cheap to eat out a lot. It's the meal itself, the tip, etc. But also, I like to eat healthy and when I cook it myself I know what I'm eating and where it came from. But it sure isn't any fun just cooking for oneself and eating alone, so I don't know the answer.

  2. Hi Gypsy,

    Yes it gets expensive for sure and I really hate bad service, and we had that Sunday morning. The girl was talking to someone, maybe a family member thats nice but for 20 min. never checking on her costumers who kept looking for her. I finally went to her and said I really want another cup of coffee and I think others would like something too. I refuse to tip them. But yes I perfer my own cooking much healthier. took me years to figure out how to cook for one, but I don't mind eating alone at all.

  3. I go through spells of eating really healthy. And I feel so much better. Then I slip and see that mean scale showing it. Always a challenge, isn't it.

  4. We rarely eat out. My husband says he prefers my cooking but he may just be tight. :-) Anyhoo, when we do eat out I always think of how much food I could buy for the money versus a meal for two. Maybe I am too tight? :-)

  5. Hi Phyllis,

    Yes always a challenge weight control is a pain I remember when I could lose 10 pd. in a week now I can't even do it in a year.

    HI JMD,

    Eating out is expensive. I can have a huge salad at home for about $3. compared to some silly thing for $9 at a restuarant. Of course all the eating out was paid for as birthday gifts so I really can't complain but ya know it still bothers me. Tight you say?
