Thursday, October 18, 2018


It has dried out these past few days. But boy have we had the WIND.

Since going out was not going to work cleaning the house seemed like a really good idea. When the a/c is in use I have to move the entertainment center over to the side to allow the vent to be free. I was so tired of the off balance already but trying to drag it was not possible, I used to do it all the time before I got old. I got the extra tubes and vacuumed all behind it and pulled out the end table which is really light weight so I could push the entertainment center over using my butt. Then gave that area a really good vacuuming too. It sure felt good to get that room really clean. Those tubes from the shop vac sure have been a blessing. I was able to get under the couch and the chairs and behind them as well.

Today the house had a chill that seemed to not want to go away and since my daughter was bringing her granddaughter over I figured I would make some zucchini pizza bites in the oven. That did the trick nicely. 

We were having a nice visit and Debbie got a call from work that the next shift person was ill and would not be coming in. Since Debbie is the manager she would have to cover. But it was fun to see the little one and be entertained by her. At least we had time to have our lunch.

Good Night All


  1. Nice to have a visit with your grand daughter and be entertained too bad they had to leave early.

  2. Glad you were careful not to hurt yourself doing the cleaning. It seems we all lose our strength with age but we just don't tell anyone.
    Nice to visit with your daughter and Great Granddaughter.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Hi George,

    It is always fun to visit with the little ones as you know and she is going to be 3 and very smart.

    Hi Rick and Katy,

    Yes it's amazing how fast the aging process gets after a certain age.

    Miliany is so much fun to be around.

  4. I used the Swiffer on the floors this morning including under Rocky's crate (tons of chewed paper were under that crate). I didn't move any other furniture - just too much interference from an interested pup! The dust will be there when I eventually get to it!

  5. Hi Gypsy,

    I wish I would have put in different flooring and not carpet, but these floors get so cold. But still thinking about ripping out the living room and hall way. Funny about all that paper you found

  6. We are in the up and down mode of early fall warm then cool then cold,,,today 80 tomorrow lows in the 30a good you got to enjoy time with the little one. We are preparing for sis and moms departure end of next week so lots of raw emotions swirling and lots to do plus still closing out John's last affairs...hope you have a good weekend.

  7. Hi Sondra,

    You surely are having some crazy weather. Sorry you are having such a bad time of it. Maybe once you get everything settled you can take off on a new adventure you certainly have earned it.

  8. Yea, I can't move things that I used to do with little effort. What is especially hard is opening bottles!

  9. Hi Phyllis.

    Yes bottles and jars. I think I'm going to get one of those things you screw into the underside of the top cabinet and slide the jar into this way I can use both hands.

  10. Please don't send the wind our way!

    I know what you mean about not being able to move things as when we were younger :-(

    Zuccini pizza bites sound yummy right about now. I am so hungry!

  11. Hi MsBelinda,

    I know you aren't big on cooking but these are so easy. They can be made in a toaster oven or a regular oven. Slice them on the round on the thin side, by a jar of pizza sauce or if you have any kind of sauce at all either use sliced cheese or shredded, sprinkle with garlic power and salt an pepper to your taste spoon on the sauce and sprinkle with cheese and bake for about 25 min on 350. You can add anything you like to it chili pepper, mushrooms what ever you like.

  12. Thank you for the recipe JO. I have been thinking about purchasing a toaster oven as my mother's oven has not been used in years and that is where I keep all her pots and pans.
