Thursday, April 25, 2019

Tote Getting Smaller

Been working small projects and now have 3 boxes for donation pick up.
I managed to get a few veggies picked up Wed. as Safeway since Walmarts veggies have been awful and I have thrown away way to much stuff. 

I tried out my collapsible kettle today to make sure it wouldn't melt and it worked fine and I was happy about that. Once it was dry I went out to the camper and pulled out the coffee pot and replaced it with the kettle. I also removed a large plate I had in there for what reason I have no idea. The tote is much lighter know and the lid closes. I went to put the collapsible measuring cup and spoons in the little plastic container where I keep herbs and small objects and discovered the jar of olive oil leaked. So I brought that into the house and scrubbed it all down and put a piece of plastic between the lid and jar. I think when we used it on our camping trip the plastic didn't get put back on.  I had rejoined AARP and received a free insulated 3 section organizer. So I pulled everything out of the 2 boxes I had and it all fit in the organizer. And it fit under the end of the bed. I secured it in place with some bungee cords. Last week one of the boxes slid toward the door and lodged under the rod to the door and we couldn't get the door open for quite some time. so this will work out just fine.
If the weather would just be nice next week I hope to get to do some camping.  
I made some stuffed peppers today and tomorrow morning want to cook up the mushrooms and zucchini before it gets to hot. I also want to clean up the porch. And do my morning coffee out there as the mornings are really nice now.

Good Night All  


  1. Nice to get things taken area of and downsizing for camping is a great idea. Enjoy your mornings on the porch.

  2. Always nice when things fit the way they are supposed to. Probably had the Plate for a Pot Luck or something similar.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your morning Coffee outside.

    It's about time.

  3. Hi George,

    Yes since my space is so small and I'm getting older having to unload everything and reload is a pain. With temps in the high 50's to low 60's makes for wonderful porch sitting in the morning.

    Hi Rick and Kathy,

    Yes it's great to get things nice and neat. I used to have a RV's and I think your right about that plate that it was used for Happy Hour or some such thing.
    Morning coffee on the porch is really a nice way to start the day

  4. Boy you certainly got a lot done yesterday.

    I have never seen a collapsible kettle before so I Googled it...what a great idea!

    Here is hoping you get to go camping next week.

  5. Hi MsBelinda,

    I have a strainer, bowl and even Fred has a bowl, dish pans, Melitta. Sure made my tote much lighter. But they are saying lots of wind next week what a pain. I may go anyway.

    1. JO, I know you are a busy lady but maybe when you have the time I would love to see a picture of your collapsible items. Wow, collapsible dish pans?

      Goes to show you can learn something new every day. Thank you.

    2. Hi MsBelinda,
      I knew I should have taken pictures before I put them in the tote which is in the truck. I was hoping to go out this coming week but they are calling for rain Mon and Tue.but maybe I will head out on Wed. The I can take pictures at the camp site. Most of the things I bought are from Walmart online. If you put in collapsible dish pans it should bring them up but may take some scrolling. I bought the set of 2 one is just the pan and the other has a drain rack but can be used with out it as a rinse pan. same for the measuring cups and spoons. Or I'll post the pictures when I return as there isn't any wifi or cell service there. But this stuff is great I did try the kettle just to make sure it wouldn't melt and it did just fine. Like I keep saying I can't believe how much room I have in my tote now and how much less it weights.
