Sunday, February 27, 2022

Guess I Need To Post!

This morning my daughter received a phone call from someone asking if I was alright. I know this person could give a flying crap about me. And said people were saying they hadn't seen me and my truck hadn't been in the driveway for a week.

First of all my blinds get opened and closed everyday! I take my dog out several times a day and I have waved at some folks as they pass by my house. And people were asking this person why I haven't posted. I no longer post much since there really isn't much to write about and who in this Village reads my blog anyway but maybe this one person. My truck isn't in the driveway because my grandson had been using it since his car broke down and he needed a way to get to work and pick up his children from school. My phone number is in the Village directory so why this person saw fit to call my daughter instead of me is a mystery. So if anyone is concerned around this neighborhood all they had to do is call me! And before anyone said it is out of concern, let me tell you it was NOT it was being NOSEY! since I haven't spoken to this trouble maker in about 3-4yrs!

Hmm maybe I should have a talk with Mrs. Muir's ghost about closing n opening my blinds, turning the lights on and off and taking my trash to the street.

Sorry for the rant but this really annoyed me. And I hope they get there fill and can go gossip some more. 

So not much going on around here and I get my truck back today. Hope to finish loading up the camper as there is going to be some great weather for  a few days this week and I can escape this place and maybe have something to post. 

I was so happy to see this gorgeous flower finally bloom. I thought it was a Christmas Cactus but was told it is a Easter Cactus.

Have A Great Day!



  1. So you have a stalker...hmmm not good. Nosey is the right word. Since most of my original neighbors died, or moved I don't currently know the people who live closest to me, and so they have no clue who to call if they get curious. Your flower is a beauty and I see rosemary and basal on that table also I just planted some basal and I really hope it grow...the last 2 yrs I had no luck getting it past sprouting. Hope you get to go camp soon. Im sort of stuck now that my dog Flossie, can barely get around.

  2. Hi Sondra,
    Yes and even worse it is a family member with a forked tongue. My neighbors either side of me and across the street know I'm here and that I'm fine. Yes rosemary and basil I have to admit I stopped trying to start with seeds and the never made it past the first sprout. I do want to do more plants this spring, maybe a tomato, zucchini and bell pepper. I see your little garden and others and want one so bad. Need to find a good spot with only morning and early afternoon sun. Once the sun gets higher the heat will kill anything on the west side of the house. I know our dogs are getting up there its hard to watch them age. At least I can kind of pick Fred up but not often he yelps now so something is giving him pain.

  3. Hi Sondra,
    Yes and even worse it is a family member with a forked tongue. My neighbors either side of me and across the street know I'm here and that I'm fine. Yes rosemary and basil I have to admit I stopped trying to start with seeds and the never made it past the first sprout. I do want to do more plants this spring, maybe a tomato, zucchini and bell pepper. I see your little garden and others and want one so bad. Need to find a good spot with only morning and early afternoon sun. Once the sun gets higher the heat will kill anything on the west side of the house. I know our dogs are getting up there its hard to watch them age. At least I can kind of pick Fred up but not often he yelps now so something is giving him pain. For some reason this won't publish my reply.

  4. Nice Cactus. Maybe it can't decide if Christmas (it's late) or Easter (it's early). Either way it's a beauty.

  5. Hi Phyllis,
    Maybe but I just love the flowers they are gorgeous make me smile!

  6. Love the Christmas/Easter cactus! Hopefully the rant helped and your "issue" is resolved once and for all 😉

  7. I am so blessed because if somebody doesn't hear from me every day, they check on me. Not nosy but concerned. I sure am hoping you get out camping for a few days. Our pets do get old just like us. With all the aches and pains that go along with it.

  8. It looks like you have some beautiful and healhy plants there. I love taking care of my plants, and Jeannie got me a lovely stand to display them. I hope you can get away for a few days. I sure wish I could still do that, so I think you should try to get out there for a few days. A change of scenery can do wonders for someone who is mostly at home! Go while you can!

  9. Hi Connie,

    I sure hope so, maybe her kids should come down and get her a mental health check.

    Hi Sandie,

    If that were the case that would be OK but like I said it had nothing to do with concern. My neighbors on either side of me know I am here and fine even across the street. She's just stirring up trouble. An nice camping trip would do wonders.

    Hi Gypsy,

    Thank You, I love my plants that window is a perfect spot for them also have just a couple in my computer room and is another great place for plants. I have slowly started buying more I used to have so many but when I started to travel they weren't taken very good care of and died off. Enjoy your plants and the new plant stand.

  10. I understand your discontent with your nosey family member, and venting is a good way to accomplish it...I do it quite frequently :-)

    Your plants are so healthy and pretty. I hope you get to go camping soon.

  11. Hi MsBelinda,

    I knew it was a bad idea to move into the same neighborhood way back when. Anyway life goes on and I hope her and her buddies got the message.

    I am really getting into the plants again. Missed the few days of good weather trying to get things done around here and also they said more winds. Maybe after this next cool spell I can get out.
