Friday, September 30, 2011

Saying more good byes

I did some painting today but didn't want to get all tired out. But all the painting inside is done. And the inside of the porch is done. Started to take things down to put away in the shed for the winter.

Went to dinner with my neighbors and some others who will be pulling out tomorrow. We had fun. It's so strange that most of these people live in Tucson and we never see each other or didn't even know each other until I came up here last year and bought my Tin Can Cabin. Tonight I spent the evening with the cream of the crop. I will miss them until next April.

I set up my old lap top today also. I figure I will leave it up here and of course take the new home and use that for when I travel. The broadband card will work better on windows 7 that on vista. The guy who cleaned up this system and made it work again said it was a great computer. Well Jim I love ya but this thing can drive me crazy still. And I am still convinced its days are numbered. It jumps up and down and is to slow. But for now it is alive so I will continue to use it and I will still bring up the new one just in case.

The weather here is turning into a real Autumn. It is getting quite chilly again and this time I don't think it will warm up to the low 80's anymore. I see some mid 70's to 58 for day highs and 45-36 for night highs. Also we have been having rains in the afternoons again. And seems like it will be that way for a least a few more days.

Hope your weather is pleasant and the heat is over with now. My kids may get to see me home by Oct. 15 if it cools down in Tucson.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Working on my projects

I really had to force myself to get to work today. I sanded down the screw holes from the old towel rack.  I touched up the porch on the inside and around the door on the outside. I need to sweep off the spider webs on the outside of the porch around the side before I paint that and paint the trim pieces to go around the new screen that was put up in June.  The Old Grey Mare ain't what she used to be.

More folks are pulling out tomorrow and more on Sat. and Sunday. There will only be a hand full of us left. The die hards that we are.

Oh and I don't think I mentioned yesterday that I also put a small shelf next to the bed for a box of Kleenex. Last year I put one up for the clock and my book. You can't put a night stand next to the bed the room is to small and to make the bed you have to move it to one side. I hung the shelf just high enough for the bed to clear it works perfect. The new shelf hangs above the first.

Short post tonight the old girl needs rest.
Good Night Friends

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Fixed Stuff

I have been procrastinating for weeks now to get things finished around here. I made myself go to Home Depot today and get the supplies. I have a door in the bathroom that I don't know if it was a closet at one time or what. It now houses the hot water heater and my clothes hamper. Since it started its life as a travel trailer it has those push button knobs to open the door. This one would not always open and so I finally removed it, Once I did that the door wouldn't stay closed and the knob fell off when you pulled on it. I picked up a new knob and a  door hasp or what ever its called. Fixed. Also some previous owner put a towel bar on this door that was in the way of the vanity. So I finally took that off. Now I have to sand it down and fill the screw holes and touch up the paint. I picked up the brushes for that job and others today also.
I need to finish painting the outside of the porch I hope to start that project tomorrow.

And how was your day?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Card Game

Today I wanted to get Fred in the car to get him used to riding in his pet taxi for the ride to Tucson. He whined for a few minutes and a command made him stop. We drove to Show Low as I have been wanting to take the following pictures.  I took him out with me and he was very happy. I carried water and a bowl for him and he wasn't interested in the water just smelling everything. He did great on the way home and I stopped to take other pictures.

Can you imagine 100,000 acres not being enough room for 2 family's to share. But then again if your raising cattle it very well might be to small.

Now in the  above pictures the sky  is so clear and blue. As I headed back to Lakeside the sky was getting a little ugly. I had only gone about 2 miles down the road.

But we made it home in time to not get caught in the rain and take Fred for a good walk. Of course it didn't rain very hard or very much. But it sure looked bad. I have been caught on this road in a bad down pour and it is not a good place to be. The water just rushes right down the hill at you when your heading East.

Hope you enjoy the little story.

Monday, September 26, 2011

More Cars

Today I saw a few more cars but didn't bring the camera. But I think the best of them left town yesterday and early this morning.

This is Chantilly Lace

This one it waiting its turn to be all fixed up. I remember when I was young the older guys all seemed to drive these cars. Older as in there teens like 17-19 and no they weren't new either.
So this yellow seems to be a big color on a lot of these older cars and trucks. Since most of these are from way before my time was yellow a big color then? Anyone know the answer to this. I am not saying any of you are of that age but guys and some ladies may know the answer.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


OK I promised and I did it. I was being really lazy and just wanted to sit and drink coffee, And then I heard the engine and I looked out the window.                           
And this truck was parked right there.

So I was inspired to get a move on and hit the road.

This car was painted white mother of pearl

I found most of these cars at restaurants and motel parking lots.
I have more pictures that I will post tomorrow.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
The weather here is changing and its wonderful. It is cooling down now and it feels so good.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I left the house this morning at 8:45 am to the Art Show, last year there were many cars parked in the lot. Not one antique car was there. I picked up a few dessert bowls and 3 little gifts for the new babies. I could have turned down my street with ease but oh no not me. I figure I would find some cars along the main drag so I made my way to White Mountain Blvd. Big mistake. I spotted one car and pulled into a parking lot thinking I was going to get more. Wrong again there was only one. The traffic going back to my street was bumper to bumper, so I made a right turn down a side street thinking I was going to come out by a light and cross over to my street. Nope blocked and police making sure no one would go that way, I asked about the next block up nope blocked. Turned around had to go about 2 miles away from my area and hoped someone would let me make a left turn. I was able to do that and circle around and finally got back into the right direction.  Needles to say I never left the RV Park again today.

 So this is the only car I snapped today
 I just love these fields of yellow flowers, they grow every where. I was happy to see this little pond with water in it again. But this is not the lake.
Tomorrow I will leave the house quite early and head up to where the care show is. I hope. Wish me luck

Friday, September 23, 2011

My bad

I took some really nice pictures today. But you won't see them here on this post. I left the camera in the car. And its way to dark out there to see anything.

I told you this was a big weekend here. There has been one cool car after another. I noticed most are driven by older guys. I guess their the ones that can afford them. If I can I will go to the car show tomorrow to get some pictures. I took one yesterday of and old but beautifully restored 50 chevy pick up the hood was painted with a huge eagle head. I took that one with my phone the picture didn't even come out.

So until tomorrow sorry no pictures on this post.
Have a great Saturday

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just another day

Not much going on at the moment , but this weekend will be busy. It's Oktoberfest. I know its still Sept.
They have ten reservations for RVers coming in for this weekend. There will be a parade, car show, and a huge craft show. I did the car show last year. I love the cars but it is way to crowded. I also did the craft show and I will go back to that as its right down the street. I don't need anything but heck I'm sure I'll find something. :) I always do. 

Fred went to the groomers today. When I picked him up he had a blue bow attached to his collar. He looked embarrassed so I bought him a manly collar.

 He seemed to be very proud on his new collar
Of course the day was very exhausting. As you can see we haven't had to much luck teaching him to pick up his toys

Looked at some conversion vans today and a few commercial vans. But they all had V8 engines and I sure don't need a gas hog. But I have lots of time I will need to sell Mom's Little Run Away first. And that won't happen for a few months at least.
Talk at you more tomorrow.

Monday, September 19, 2011

RV Tires and other RV things

In just a few days of reading blogs I have learned about tires. Tires are serious business. I have read 2 blogs where they had 2 flats in the same day almost at the same time.
When buying tires always check the manufactures dates, just because they have never been used doesn't mean they are good. If a tire has been sitting in storage for years they aren't any good. They become dry and will blow out very quickly.  And never buy tires made in China. The tires on one of the 5ers were only a few months old and made in 2010 but made in China.
When will this country quit importing deadly things made in China.
So please be careful when purchasing new tires.

Many more women are heading out on the roads. Most making a new life for themselves after losing a loved one or because of divorce.
Some traveled with a spouse or a partner before so we didn't pay much attention to the outside stuff. We did  all the inside things. My first tt was a Chalet and so there wasn't much to do on the outside but make sure I had a good lock on the hitch and the electric cord was back in the little door. Of course I never was able to back the little sucker up. Next came the Class C which I still have. Sewer hose? Drain the black tank, grey tank?, which one first? leave which one closed? Awning? NO I do not have all electric buttons. But I had a great teacher at Wells Fargo RV Park in Tombstone, AZ. I stayed there a week and he told me I would know how to do everything before  I left. Well I did. I don't know if they are still there managing the place but I hope so. Now that I have ramble on the point is, don't be afraid to ask for help of an experienced person.
Have fun and be safe.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

White River

I can now see my friends and I want to welcome you all. I hope you enjoy my blog and I will take a look at yours as soon as I can.  Thank You for joining me.

These are pictures I took the while driving threw White River . I really can't figure out why the pictures not clear.
These cliffs have so many little caves.

 I was zooming in trying to take a picture of a gorge down below when I spotted the bones of Tee Pee

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend
 These purple little flowers are in the meadow of the RV Park, I was told there used to be a trailer parked there. I wonder what they are. Could they be daisies?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Ft. Apache Crooks Cabin

SURPRISE, SURPRISE! its raining again.  I hear some parts of TX. are getting rain but not where Mr. Hermit lives. Hope it will reach him soon.

This is General Crooks Cabin I believe the one room is original but not the other. The other end was made very differently there were no logs in the ceiling and the floors did not look very old. It had lots of pictures on the walls that I have seen many times in other museum  and old tourist towns in AZ. so I didn't think it was important to take photos.

Can you imagine how wind,rain and snow must have blown right threw these walls and roof. I know it wasn't this wide open but it still wasn't air tight

You can see lots of the stones have fallen out over the years.
The pictures below are of what I think is a newer addition.

I have finished covering the fort. There were many more pictures but I think I posted what I felt was the best of them. If you ever get to White River, AZ you should put this on your must see list.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ft. Apache 3

Maybe tonite I can finish posting this. Would hate to start to bore folks.
We had rain on an off here all day and the temperature never went over 67. This is getting old fast. Not the cooler temp the rain.  Hope to get out tomorrow there is something I really want to take pictures of .

Well lets finish this first. I hope it doesn't come out as a slide show again.

 The basket ball court was behind the boys dorm there are also courts in the front of the door.
Back of boys dorm this building is also under renovation. If there are such bad memories of this school I don't understand why they would put it back in use. Of courses  the buildings are in pretty good condition once they get rid of the asbestos

 The front of the building the architecture is really quite nice

 I believe these are privates housing

Looking down the row of quarters. The original buildings were made of wood, after a large fire burned 5 of the buildings they used the stone.

Well I gave it my best shot and I couldn't finish. Tomorrow will be General Crooks Cabin.